The Right Mix

Air Gesture – The new UX trend for 2022

Jo Szczepanska / Unsplash

25 January 2022 / Mar-Loes Mantoua

During the past two years, more technological devices were used than ever before with new artificial and virtual realities shifting the way we work and socialize.

UX design is always evolving to continuously improve the experience of the user, making things work smoother and seamless for everyone involved.

In 2022, designers will have the opportunity to build with a new perspective, incorporating all lessons learned since the start of the pandemic, from rethinking working-from-home solutions to acknowledging the environmental impact of products we build.

One of the UX design trends for 2022 is Air Gesture.

Air Gesture is a technology that lets you control electronic devices with gestures, without the need to manipulate a touch panel or other input device — for instance, a user showing a palm gesture in front of the camera to capture a selfie.

Gesture Control technology in iOS is not new, but the new UX trend air gesture is taking it to the next level.

Have a look at the demo below:

Below is an example of different types of touch gestures that should be in the back of the mind of every UX developer in the coming year.

The most significant advantage of using gestures lies in its intuitiveness and sensitivity to touch. Thus, touch gestures will always play their part, no matter how far the ‘Gesture Trend’ goes.

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